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The installed capacity of batteries in CATL ranks first

Industry information
2023/03/14 10:00

In 2022, the revenue of CATL reached 300 billion yuan. In the whole year of 2022, the company's battery system capacity reached 390 GWh, of which the capacity under construction reached 152 GWh, and the capacity utilization rate was 83.4%.

According to relevant data, the global market share of power battery usage in CATL in 2022 was 37%, 4 percentage points higher than that in 2021, ranking first in the world for six consecutive years. According to the global electric vehicle battery installation data in January 2023, CATL still ranks the first with 11.2GWh battery installation.

In addition, from the perspective of the purchase amount of the top five customers and the top five suppliers of CATL, its upstream and downstream cooperation binding is more in-depth. The top five customers of CATL accounted for 35.33% of the annual sales in 2022, up nearly 4 percentage points from 2021; In 2022, the procurement amount of the top five suppliers of CATL accounted for 21.26% of the total annual procurement amount, up nearly 6 percentage points from 2021. The importance of head customers and suppliers to the CATL has increased.

It is worth noting that the overall profit margin of CATL continued to improve in 2022. According to the quarterly revenue data released by the company, the company's comprehensive gross profit rate in the fourth quarter was 22.6%, which was further increased from 19.3% in the third quarter. The survey summary of CATL revealed that driven by factors such as scale effect, diluted costs, and the implementation of new energy storage projects, the gross profit of power and energy storage batteries improved significantly on a month-on-month basis.

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